Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) is a premier research institute, under the department of atomic energy (DAE). Besides carrying out globally competitive research across domains of science, it has led several national missions. The Advanced Research Unit on Metabolism, Development and Aging (ARUMDA), is one of its most recent ventures to address outstanding issues related to metabolic diseases and aging, which also emerge as a consequence of nutritional deficiencies early in life.

ARUMDA is missioned to empower researchers, technologists, policymakers, and community health partners to tailor interventions and supplementations to populations across age groups. Its mandate is to investigate causal mechanisms, and consequential effects of under-, over- or inappropriate-nutrition on physiology, development and age-associated diseases by bringing together leading research groups from both basic sciences and clinical domains. Employing systems level forward and reverse translational approaches, using human cohort and model system based studies, provides fundamental “deep science driven nutritional/metabolic strategies” to address physiological impairments associated with malnutrition.