About Faculty
Professor Debbie Thompson
Dr. Debbie Thompson is a Senior Research Fellow and Coordinator of the PhD Nutrition Program at the Caribbean Institute of Health Research, University of the West Indies, Jamaica. In 2017, she was awarded a 2-year Academic Fellowship in Global Child Health at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. During her fellowship, she received the Restracomp Fellowship by the Hospital for Sick Children’s Research Institute and later the Canada CARICOM Faculty Leadership Scholarship. She worked as a Visiting Scientist at the University of Toronto, Canada.
Her research interests focus on the association between severe acute malnutrition in early life and adult body composition, glucose metabolism, cardiovascular structure, function, and metabolism. Dr. Thompson is currently the country lead for the MRC(UK)-funded "Child Malnutrition & Adult NCD: Generating Evidence on Mechanistic Links to Inform Future Policy/Practice" (CHANGE) project.
International Faculty